One of my aunts lives by the sea. Because it is such a hot summer this year, we went and visited her last weekend. My mom said, she needed some time away after all the house refurbishment she had to do with my dad over the past few months.
My aunt loves sheep and she keeps a few of them in her back garden. (She lives on a small farm, so her back garden is a little bigger than ours). The sheep seemed pretty hot, so I asked her if she knew if they were sweating a lot in summer. She didn't know, so I went online and did a little research...
I think sheep are pretty cool. They're always hungry, their poo is not as smelly as cow dung or dog poo; and when they baa, they sound a lot like the horn of my dad's old camper van. But there are a few more reasons why I think sheep are so great.
Our Geography teacher told us that there are three times more sheep in Wales than people. Wales has about 3 million inhabitants, so that would mean there are more than 9 million sheep in Wales. (There are only a few more sheep than people in Scotland, in case you're interested - check out the Scottish Government's site on sheep to find out more). Most sheep live in China (144 million). When they're together, they are called a 'flock'. They can produce lactose free cheese (which is very good news for people like my dad - if you want to know why, you should check out my post on lactose intolerant people). The first mammal scientists could clone was also a sheep. It was called Dolly and lived a very happy life (or so they say) in Edinburgh until it died in 2003 (you can find out more about Dolly on this site called Animal Research).
But the coolest fact about sheep is that they're so white and fluffy and that their wool can be used for all kinds of fascinating things. If you're a vegan, you won't be interested in this. But sheep can produce sheep wool insulation for your house and their wool can keep you very warm in winter. The sheep hair that goes into the wool grows in waves which are called 'crimp'.
I also found out that sheep don't get wet because of Lanolin. Lanolin is sometimes called 'wool grease' and it is what keeps sheep dry in Winter. The grease can be extracted from shorn wool and used for waterproofing. (You can find out more about Lanolin by checking out the Wikipedia article. And you can click here for some more cool facts on sheep and on wool production in the UK).
Anyway. It turns out that sheep actually do sweat a lot because they have sweat glands. Apparently, they also become very smelly if they do. Sheep get shorn just before summer or before they have to 'go into housing' in winter. Their wool keeps them so warm inside or during the hot months of summer that it would be way too hot for them otherwise. The best thing to do when they start sweating is to shear them then. And since they're letting us have all their wool and grease, I think we should all be very friendly towards them and appreciate them a bit more when we see them.
The picture of the sheep by the sea was taken by Sam_CH and can be found on The derelict house came from the Guardian's website. The sheep with the camera is from a website called
Monday, 28 July 2014
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Why can't people eat grass?
My grandma died last week. On Thursday, my mom got a call from a nurse and then she cried. I wasn't quite sure what to do. But my mom said that it was important she got some flowers. At my grandpa's funeral a few months before, she didn't bring any, and her sisters started to make fun of her. I thought that was pretty ugly...
I liked my grandma. I still haven't cried or anything. But I've been thinking about her a lot. We used to visit her when I was little. I spent some of my summer holidays with her. I remember that she had a drawer with all kinds of fancy chocolate...
One day, the police found her outside her house eating her lawn. She hit one of them when he tried to pull her away and that was when they realized she was a little crazy. My aunt had her put in a mental institution. I always thought it was a bit odd to hospitalize someone just because they were eating grass. But my mom later told me that it wasn't just the grass. Grandma had some sort of schizophrenia. (If you want to find out a little more about schizophrenic people, check out this helpful website). I think my uncle also suffers from it; although he never tried to eat the grass in front of his house (check out my post on the number 13 in case you want to know more about my strange Uncle Herbert).
Anyway. All this thinking about my grandma made me realize that no one has ever explained to me why people shouldn't eat grass. My friend Steve thinks it's because people are told not to (Steve has a few crazy ideas, but he's a genius inventor. You should read up on what he said in Sunday school a few months ago).
I didn't believe he was right, so I did a little research... First I tried some of the grass in front of our house. It was awful!! I think the grass we have isn't meant for eating at all! My teeth turned green and my mom thought I was going crazy too. I also got a horrible stomach ache and had to fart like crazy for the rest of the day...
The sheep seem to like it. And so do the cows. But that's only because they can digest the grass much better than we can. People can actually eat grass. It's not toxic or anything. But it doesn't do them any good because they can't digest it. Cows and sheep are ruminating animals. They have several stomachs and they ferment the grass before it gets to their main digestive system. (Check out this Wikipedia image for some funny names and a cool example of a 'ruminant stomach').
There is also another problem with eating grass (if you're not a cow or a sheep). Grass contains an awful lot of silica. Silica is an abrasive macromolecule that can be found in sand and glass. This means that your dentist wouldn't want you eating grass because it will grind down your teeth. Cows and sheep can grow new ones in case this happens. But humans can't. (For all the chemistry freaks: silica is actually silicon dioxide. Check out this interesting blog to find out a bit more on its use and where it comes from. You can also find out some more info about its chemical structure on
As it turns out, my grandma actually was a little crazy when she tried to eat the grass. But I don't think that was the real reason why she was put in a mental home. I miss her a lot. I also found out that there are quite a lot of other crazies who eat grass from time to time. Check out this article from the Daily Mail, for example. It's about a South African preacher who made his congregation eat grass so they could be 'closer to God'. Now - how is that for crazy?
If you want to read a little more about religious fanatics, you can have a look at my post on 'So, when was God invented, then?'. For more information on grass eating, you should have a look at this short article on In case you are looking for help with schizophrenia or for more info, check out this NHS site.
I took the flower picture from the Telegraph's website. The sheep came from a New Zealand website on sheep and farming called I found the silicon dioxide structure on and the crazy religious fanatic came from the Daily Mail article.
I liked my grandma. I still haven't cried or anything. But I've been thinking about her a lot. We used to visit her when I was little. I spent some of my summer holidays with her. I remember that she had a drawer with all kinds of fancy chocolate...
One day, the police found her outside her house eating her lawn. She hit one of them when he tried to pull her away and that was when they realized she was a little crazy. My aunt had her put in a mental institution. I always thought it was a bit odd to hospitalize someone just because they were eating grass. But my mom later told me that it wasn't just the grass. Grandma had some sort of schizophrenia. (If you want to find out a little more about schizophrenic people, check out this helpful website). I think my uncle also suffers from it; although he never tried to eat the grass in front of his house (check out my post on the number 13 in case you want to know more about my strange Uncle Herbert).
Anyway. All this thinking about my grandma made me realize that no one has ever explained to me why people shouldn't eat grass. My friend Steve thinks it's because people are told not to (Steve has a few crazy ideas, but he's a genius inventor. You should read up on what he said in Sunday school a few months ago).
I didn't believe he was right, so I did a little research... First I tried some of the grass in front of our house. It was awful!! I think the grass we have isn't meant for eating at all! My teeth turned green and my mom thought I was going crazy too. I also got a horrible stomach ache and had to fart like crazy for the rest of the day...
The sheep seem to like it. And so do the cows. But that's only because they can digest the grass much better than we can. People can actually eat grass. It's not toxic or anything. But it doesn't do them any good because they can't digest it. Cows and sheep are ruminating animals. They have several stomachs and they ferment the grass before it gets to their main digestive system. (Check out this Wikipedia image for some funny names and a cool example of a 'ruminant stomach').

As it turns out, my grandma actually was a little crazy when she tried to eat the grass. But I don't think that was the real reason why she was put in a mental home. I miss her a lot. I also found out that there are quite a lot of other crazies who eat grass from time to time. Check out this article from the Daily Mail, for example. It's about a South African preacher who made his congregation eat grass so they could be 'closer to God'. Now - how is that for crazy?
If you want to read a little more about religious fanatics, you can have a look at my post on 'So, when was God invented, then?'. For more information on grass eating, you should have a look at this short article on In case you are looking for help with schizophrenia or for more info, check out this NHS site.
I took the flower picture from the Telegraph's website. The sheep came from a New Zealand website on sheep and farming called I found the silicon dioxide structure on and the crazy religious fanatic came from the Daily Mail article.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
How much rubbish fits into a rubbish truck?
Most people I know don't like rubbish very much. They think it's smelly and ugly and they don't want anything to do with it. They also don't like the rubbish men. My granddad says they're all gypsies and foreigners. I should mention that my granddad is not a very nice person. He sometimes goes on rants for a whole day. He also says rubbish men smell like the work they do.
I think rubbish men are great (although I don't mention this to my granddad). Their job is really smelly and dirty, but they are very efficient and leave empty rubbish bins for people to put more rubbish in. Their trucks are pretty cool too. I once got to ride on one of them and thought it was awesome! (My mom thought I had been kidnapped and got really angry with me. I was grounded for a week, but it was well worth it...)
Anyway. I think it's pretty amazing that rubbish trucks can load such an enormous amount of rubbish, so I wanted to find out how they do it. I also wanted to know where the rubbish goes. I know that my mom is still a bit angry with me for getting onto the truck, so asking her was out of the question.
I did a little research instead.
It turns out there are quite a few different types of rubbish truck. Not all of them are in use in the UK, but they are all pretty cool. ASL ones (automated side loaders) pick up your rubbish right from the sidewalk, and they just need one driver who also operates the system. Then there's normal container ones you'd normally use for skip hire, and front loaders (FEL). Grapple or Clam trucks can pick up small stuff from the side of the road, and rear loaders (REL) come with a nice automated press (or compactor) at the end.
The most common 'refuse' truck (that's how you would call rubbish if you're posh) in our country is probably the DENNIS Elite or Eagle Elite (that's the one in the picture). It's yellow or orange and comes as a medium sized side or rear loader.
Check out this video I found on the different types of trucks (mostly US trucks- but still very cool):
A normal rubbish truck can hold anything between 12 and 14 tons of rubbish. I think that's quite a lot. Especially cause the rubbish men have to stop at around 800 houses to fill it all up. The compactor at the end compresses the rubbish into tiny packages (or cuts it to bits - depending on the type) and then slides them back into the main body of the truck.
At the landfill, the rubbish gets emptied, further compressed and filled in, burned or recycled. In the UK, we have already filled 109 square miles with it. I think that's way too much! Our biology teacher says it's about time we all did a bit more recycling if we want to save the planet...
Here's a really interesting video about rubbish routes in London, with a little bit of information on landfills from the BBC website:
My parents think it's a bit strange that my favourite day of the week is rubbish day. But I think we should all be a bit more friendly with our rubbish men. Most people only know that rubbish needs to be put out on a Thursday (at least in our council area). But they never really want to know where it goes...
There are lots of amazing things people can do with rubbish, and some rubbish can be quite useful. If you want to find out more about this and how to re-use stuff other people throw away (it's called 'upcycling), then check out this cool makers' website:
If you want to know more about the different types of recycling in your area, click here. You can also read up on recycling and how to reduce your rubbish with
I took the recycled earth image from an Australian Unilodge website, the rubbish truck pic came from Trucktrader. The gypsy woman was painted by an unknown Polish painter and can be found on Wikipedia.
Anyway. I think it's pretty amazing that rubbish trucks can load such an enormous amount of rubbish, so I wanted to find out how they do it. I also wanted to know where the rubbish goes. I know that my mom is still a bit angry with me for getting onto the truck, so asking her was out of the question.
I did a little research instead.
It turns out there are quite a few different types of rubbish truck. Not all of them are in use in the UK, but they are all pretty cool. ASL ones (automated side loaders) pick up your rubbish right from the sidewalk, and they just need one driver who also operates the system. Then there's normal container ones you'd normally use for skip hire, and front loaders (FEL). Grapple or Clam trucks can pick up small stuff from the side of the road, and rear loaders (REL) come with a nice automated press (or compactor) at the end.
The most common 'refuse' truck (that's how you would call rubbish if you're posh) in our country is probably the DENNIS Elite or Eagle Elite (that's the one in the picture). It's yellow or orange and comes as a medium sized side or rear loader.
Check out this video I found on the different types of trucks (mostly US trucks- but still very cool):
A normal rubbish truck can hold anything between 12 and 14 tons of rubbish. I think that's quite a lot. Especially cause the rubbish men have to stop at around 800 houses to fill it all up. The compactor at the end compresses the rubbish into tiny packages (or cuts it to bits - depending on the type) and then slides them back into the main body of the truck.

Here's a really interesting video about rubbish routes in London, with a little bit of information on landfills from the BBC website:
My parents think it's a bit strange that my favourite day of the week is rubbish day. But I think we should all be a bit more friendly with our rubbish men. Most people only know that rubbish needs to be put out on a Thursday (at least in our council area). But they never really want to know where it goes...
There are lots of amazing things people can do with rubbish, and some rubbish can be quite useful. If you want to find out more about this and how to re-use stuff other people throw away (it's called 'upcycling), then check out this cool makers' website:
If you want to know more about the different types of recycling in your area, click here. You can also read up on recycling and how to reduce your rubbish with
I took the recycled earth image from an Australian Unilodge website, the rubbish truck pic came from Trucktrader. The gypsy woman was painted by an unknown Polish painter and can be found on Wikipedia.
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